Literary Specialist Project -- Seminar English

Monday, April 11, 2005

Personal Responses to Literature

The following are questions that might assist you in thinking about (and responding to) your selected work. Read over the list and select those questions that interest you the most.

1. What character(s) was your favorite? Why?

2. What character(s) did you dislike? Why?

3. Does anyone in this work remind you of anyone you know? Explain?

4. Are you like any character in this work? Explain.

5. Overall, what kind of a feeling did you have after reading this work?

6. Dod any incidents, ideas, or actions in this work remind you of your own life or something that happened to you? Explain.

7. do you feel there is an opinion expressed by the author through this work? What is it? How do you know this? Do you agree? Why or why not?

8. Do you think the title of this work is appropriate? Is it significant? Explain. What do you think the title means?

9. Would you change the ending of this work in any way?

10. What kind of person do you feel the author is? What makes you feel this way?

11. How does this work make you feel?

12. Do you share any of the feelings of the characters in this work? Explain.

13. Sometimes works of literature leave you with the feeling that there is more to tell. Did this work do this? What do you think might happen?

14. Would you like to read something else by this author? Why or why not?

15. What do you feel is the most important work, phrase, passage or paragraph in this work? Explain why it is important.

16. If you were an English teacher, would you want to share this work with your students? Why or why not?

17. What do you think you will remember most about this work of literature?

18. What issues in this work are similar to real-life issues that you've thought about or had some kind of experience witH/ How has the story/novel clarified or confused or changed your views on any of these issues?


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