Literary Specialist Project -- Seminar English

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Reflection Chapter

The Literary Specialist Project
Stage 3: Reflection Phase

This is the last major section in your literary specialist project. It is your opportunity to look back on your work as a scholar during this research project. There is no one right way to compose this section. This “chapter” should serve as a conclusion to your project. In essence, you are bringing the curtain down on your research; therefore, you should do so in as clear, as personal, and as elegant a fashion as possible.

In terms of length, I would imagine that this might be anywhere from one to three pages in length (typed, of course).

Consider the following types of questions. Reflect on your own work and decide what final points you would like to make about your author and about yourself, as the researcher. Answer those that seem most appropriate to you:

1. What are your final thoughts on your selected author?
2. What do you now know about your author that you didn’t know before?
3. If given the chance again, would you still select your particular author?
4. What observations have you made about your own growth as a literary specialist?
5. Is there anything you would do differently if you could start over?
6. What new discoveries did you make about your author or your selected work of literature?
7. Have you grown intellectually as a result of this project?
8. Is there a possibility that you will continue to read more writing from this particular author?
9. Is there anything else that you would like to add?

Final Notes: Keep the writing clear, articulate, and formal. Since this is the reflection phase, it is appropriate to write in first person.

Remember, this is your closing section, so create a majestic ending!


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